How the First Sweet Encounter with Jennifer Lavin can Fool You into Getting Robbed
You all must be familiar with and aware that clients mostly put their blind trust in their lawyers and believe them to represent their life’s necessary court trial appropriately. However, this may not always reap the fruit one expects. The reason is that money, greed, dishonesty, disinterest, scamming schemes, and selflessness find their way to demolish the colorful pillar of hope for a quick way out of the lawsuit. Well, this is my personal experience of the immensely worst crisis of my life. It was a time when my divorce was already making my life crash, and I got trapped by a swindling lawyer Jennifer L. Lavin to further, lose my precious time and money.
Jennifer Lavin’s Horrific Signs of Negligence and Sudden Shift with Paid Clients
All this nightmare began one day when I sought advice from some friends to hire a good family lawyer to settle my divorce case. I approached Lavin at my earliest convenience, i.e., right the next day. She ‘appeared’ to be someone who would understand and lead my case quickly and efficiently. But I was completely wrong when I got persuaded by her. She cleverly maneuvered her way to gain my trust by promising me everything I needed to listen and believe at that hard time in my life. I was totally stuck, and she took advantage of my weak mental state. So, as I made a decision to hire her, she demanded a huge sum of money as her initial fee. I was really broke and could not afford such a hefty amount.
Seeing my falling spirits, she bucked me up and said there would be no other payment if I arranged this one. I calculated my options and then gave in to her, anticipating receiving an excellent and quick solution.
How Jennifer Lavin Crushed my Trust by Her Merciless Deception
I took a bank loan and utilized my savings to pay Jennifer Lavin’s fee. Then, what happened next was not even conceivable in my wildest dreams! Right after she got the money, she did not even attempt to hide from me that it was a scam, a looting ploy, and a dirty game. She never even maintained or studied the file. Her sympathetic words and attitude vanished in a jiffy, and she became a totally different, aloof, and uninterested person. Days kept turning into weeks, and weeks into months. My children and I were suffering day and night in the harsh circumstances we were exposed to after the divorce mess. But Lavin was least bothered and continued to turn a deaf ear to my cries of help and requests. I knew that something had to be done, and I could not let my already-paid money and already-wasted time go down the drain like that. She would make excuses, and that too lame ones, whenever I asked her about the progress and plans for my case. She was least interested in communicating and always seemed like wanting to escape from every duty that a typical lawyer does. In short, Jennifer L. Lavin just robbed me of my cash through sugar-coated promises and lies and is a thief in disguise. I had no idea this could happen to me and that such lawyers not only swindle a single person but many more like me at a time.
Saving What was Left After Jennifer Lavin’s Scamming Tactics
The so-called lawyer didn’t stop there; she called me one day, which was surprising to me because she didn’t call by herself and didn’t return my calls or text messages. On this particular phone call, she casually asked me for another fat check for her ‘invisible’ service. By this point, I had had enough and shockingly shared with her the facts she had to know. I told her that she had led the case nowhere until now and had lied about not billing extra hours. Her unprofessional behavior was even prominent in the courtroom, and I observed other professionals correcting her every now and then. It was a moment of realization, gloom, and repentance deep down in my heart. So, before I said something to her about my decision about the transfer, I asked her to guide me about the file, but she again refused to assist and said she was busy for another week. This behavior was indeed Lavin’s usual pattern and was a breaking point for me.
I changed my lawyer the same week, latching at the first suggestion I found. And my world changed for the better as soon as I hired a new, decent, skilled, and highly professional family lawyer. Therefore, invest wisely and stay safe from Jennifer Lavin’s cunning trap.
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